Caspian Collection
Based in Art Nouveau from Denmark, Caspian was filled with Nordic imagery, folk costumes, graphics, textiles, and sewing techniques from the region. This collection was one of a rare few that did not have a Los Angeles runway event. We flew everyone into Salt Lake City for the event, and just in time for one of the most intense blizzards of the year in Salt Lake City. Some runway show attendees waited for 3 hours in the snow to ensure a good seat. The collection was very sell-able, but of course contained many runway only surprises.
Caspian Runway Event Video
Promotional Materials
Caspian Runway Photos
Caspian Sponsor Endorsements
Caspian Press Dossier
Caspian Press Images
Caspian Door List
Caspian Runway Event after show and backstage photos
Caspian wholesale lookbook images. Detailing some of the beautiful print work by Matthew Stevens and silhouettes by Ashley Haak.