High School Projects
I had learned to weld by the time I was 8. I was building and making and repairing things right alongside my father. As a slightly outre child, I stuck close to my parents. I designed and built a functioning juke-box, welded tiny steel amusement parks that were motorized and fully operational. I spent all summer making toys and robots and larger pieces with his help. I loved mechanizing things, and wiring. I had a tree house with a fully functioning telephone and a ratchet elevator.
Screen Printing and Pop Art
I started getting really interested in Andy Warhol a few years before he died. I loved Pop Art and mechanical art making. There was a photo of a Jasper Johns in a textbook I had in 6th grade, and it made me crazy for the blunt and shocking. I wanted to learn how to screenprint so badly. My mother allowed me to cut up her kitchen shears to finally get a polyesther mesh I could use to burn a decent screen. I stapled the drapes into an old picture frame I bought at the Deseret Industries thrift store. I started making the art all cut up and collage style using photocopy transparencies. I would stay up all night burning and re-burning screens in my bedroom with a 150 watt bulb in my desk lamp. I love screen printing.
I was given free artistic reign of the house. I wanted an Andy Warhol style mural, but I wanted it to be my own somehow. I really loved how Andy Warhol's paintngs would decay after the repetitions of the screens. I was trying to achieve the same effect with this mural over my bed.
I would later install a light inside this pig. On the right is a pinball machine my Dad got me when I made it to first chair flute in band. It was an amazing machine with only moving parts, no electronics, we were constantly maintaining it. Photo by Dame Darcy in my childhood bedroom.
I would later install a light inside this pig. On the right is a pinball machine my Dad got me when I made it to first chair flute in band. It was an amazing machine with only moving parts, no electronics, we were constantly maintaining it. Photo by Dame Darcy in my childhood bedroom.
I was printing a zine using the photocopier at Chesbro to produce them. I was certain I did not want to be known, so the entire magazine was engineered to be completely anonymous. I even printed T-shirts and sold them at a local boutique without anyone knowing my identity. I was really interested in the mystique of the Fluxus movement in New York and I wanted to do something that had those kinds philosophical artistic elements to it. I unfortunately no longer have a copy of Aqualung, but I will soon.
Fluxxus Deluxxus
I started making art projects, sculptures, assemblages, messages and leaving them around town anonymously. I would work for weeks making things and just leave them in a carefully planned place. I obtained a P.O. box in Idaho falls and would always leave my address on the object, inviting a dialogue. I only received one letter, asking "what is happening?" A few people copycat and left objects that aroused the suspicions of the police. Fluxxus Deluxxus also involved "Happenings". I rented a parking lot for a Friday night in November. The owner of the building let me run a power cable to our speakers. I was not sure what it was but really it was a very early rave gathering. Giant coloring books, a trampoline, candy, and Ministry on the tiny speakers.
I started making art projects, sculptures, assemblages, messages and leaving them around town anonymously. I would work for weeks making things and just leave them in a carefully planned place. I obtained a P.O. box in Idaho falls and would always leave my address on the object, inviting a dialogue. I only received one letter, asking "what is happening?" A few people copycat and left objects that aroused the suspicions of the police. Fluxxus Deluxxus also involved "Happenings". I rented a parking lot for a Friday night in November. The owner of the building let me run a power cable to our speakers. I was not sure what it was but really it was a very early rave gathering. Giant coloring books, a trampoline, candy, and Ministry on the tiny speakers.
I shot these pictures over a few hours after a heavy snow in Idaho Falls. Each of the snowmen had a caption. They all had some sort of small insight into what was happening with the family that lived in the house. I made them into little books and gave them away to strangers, or abandoned them. It was a part of "Fluxxus Deluxxus".
Dr. Drill & Fill. Because I had cavities.