Black Chandelier Press
Press kit generated about half-way through the life of the company. A very optimistic report on a very optimistic company. Originally developed for a presentation at General Growth Properties in Chicago. Black Chandelier was being shopped to malls across the country. We were in the meeting for hours looking at blueprints. I made them bring me some coffee ice cream. Crazy, man.
Being voted as best fashion designer in Utah. A phrase that continues to thrill me to no end, even to this day.
Quiet Army was the first large scale runway event we put on in Salt Lake. I digital ticketing system sold out in hours for the event. Demand became solidified for this type of promenading entertainment.
The info sheet sent out to General Growth property managers. Something subtle, you know? Photo by Joey Moon.
Press lead up to the infamous Road Rally party. 4 parties at once...but can you death drop?
I have to say this image melted Los Angeles a little bit.
You know your ego has gone bonkers when you eviscerate your enemies in print. The introduction of the show and sale idea for Union Station at the Czarina runway event in Los Angeles. It was an incredibly complicated journey with all the retail equipment and materials arriving via giant pick-up and the staff travelling first class Amtraka and staying in suites at the Standard. WE were ready to give a SHOW. We made about 10K in the first hour.
Want a party to happen? Invite D'Amato.