Screen Prints
The heart of Black Chandelier was the screen room. We would develop almost all products to pass through at some point in their manufacture. We were always challenged to develop more prints, more colorways and provide an endless stream of new for the stores. I have seperated them into major design groups and included promotional imagery that went into the stores to tout the new developments.
Deep County Sorcerer
Inspired by a Royal Trux song and endless hair metal...We endeavored: Let's just make all the most powerful 80's imagery into this incredibly loud collection. We would actually post these poetic descriptions of the collections everywhere and make posters and promo artwork to get the sometimes quite esoteric message across. We would change the entire decor of the store, have dress-up contests amongst the staff, and throw elaborate parties to launch each group See event section.
Deep Couny Sorcerer Promotional items and packaging
Deep County Sorcerer Printed Garments
Coronet Promotional Materials
Coronet Screen Prints
Botanical Reactor
As soon as we purchased our first screen press we attempted Botanical Reactor. All of the inks were engineered colors. We spent weeks mixing ink colors and attempting the register the screens. The underlayers were first printed then foiled, then sent back through the press for the additional colors. Unfortunately most of the artwork for this collection is still being mined. I openly consider this the most accomplished screen printing we ever attempted. Prints developed and colors engineered with Matthew Stevens and his father. We held a small fashion show in the Trolley Square boutique to release the collection as well as draw press to the store. One of my more ad-hock events, but clearly the screen printing was the star here.
Early Screen Printed Garments